Lauzun / Minerve, grande randonnée dans les coteaux de Guyenne

Itinéraires touristiques

This long hike crosses the long plateaus located in the north of the canton of Lauzun. Lauzun, whose name comes from the Latin "losa" meaning "lark" is nicknamed the "Hill of Larks". A place of establishment since the Gallo-Roman era, then ruined by barbarian invasions, it was in the 12th century that the Caumonts, a great feudal family of the region, settled in Lauzun. This former county was erected into a duchy in 1692 for Antonin Nompar de Caumont La Force (the famous Duke of Lauzun) then in 1766 for Armand Louis de Gontaud-Biron. The castle dominates the site, it has in its left part a 15th century turret adorned with a door surmounted by the Caumont-Lauzun coat of arms. An 18th century dome connects this part to the Renaissance style right wing.

47410 LAUZUN
GPS : 44.6278933 | 0.45683383
CDT - Service Randonnée - Phone : +33 5 53 66 14 14
CDT - Service Randonnée -

Route : on foot Difficult 4h50
Route : on horseback Difficult 3h10
Route : by mountain bike Difficult 2h20